The JKF Wado-Kai is an internationally renowned Karate organization consisting of 1,350 branches within Japan and 250 group outside Japan(including registered branches). Among over 850,000 members, around 180,000 hold black belt ranks.
The Technical Department manages testing to obtain various qualifications, sets standards and implements planned seminars so that practitioners will meet these technical standards.
National Championships are held in August every year at Nippon Budokan(Tokyo).The 1000 or so participants range in age from elementary school to the elderly. This has become a major karate event in Japan.
Since 1989, the Wado-Kai world Cup has been held once in London and once in Tokyo. Wado-Kai has produced many successful athletes at championships organized by the JKF and by the WKF.
WKF title holders are Toshiaki Maeda('80), Fumio Murase('82), Seiji Nishimura('82), Yuichi Suzuki('82), Eizo Kondo('86), Akira Hayashi('88,92), Akemi Kimura('88), Manabu Takenouchi('94).
Major universities belonging to the All Japan Student Karatedo Federation include Tokyo, Tokyo Agricultural, Meiji, Kumamoto Engineering, and Fukuoka, all of which are Wado-Kai members.
Also Wado-Kai member, Utsunomiya Bunsei girl's high school has consistently produced the most successful competitors among the clubs the All Japan High School Athletic Federation.
Takaichi Mano(Vice President), Toru Arakawa, Katsumi Hakoishi, and Kengo Sugiura(Standing Directors) play important roles in the JKF and the WKF.
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